Tuesday, January 31, 2012

'Downton Abbey' Gets 'Delicious'

Early 20th century drama gets 'pretty dark' by the end of season two, co-star Dan Stevens tells MTV News.
By Jocelyn Vena

Michelle Dockery and Dan Stevens on "Downton Abbey"
Photo: Carnival Films

America loves the early 20th century drama of "Downton Abbey." The British import is currently deep in its second season on U.S. TV, and it seems that just when things seem like they can't get any soapier, they do.

What with people falling in and out of love, families torn apart by World War I and the old British class system being shaken up by the new politics of a world at battle, there's enough comedy and tragedy there to keep anyone intrigued. And it seems that the award-winning show has a lot more up its sleeve. "Towards the end of the season, it's pretty dark," Dan Stevens, who plays Downton Abbey's reluctant heir Matthew Crawley, told MTV News. "It's great for me as an actor. It's delicious. It's pretty tough going."

For a show that seems terribly British (it takes place on the grounds of an English manor owned by Ladies and Lords) Stevens explains it's the universality of the themes of the show that make it relatable for everyone, including the actors. "The quality of the characters and particularly my character intrigued me," he said. "It's the outsider coming in and critiquing the whole thing which is always an interesting position to take — the multilayering, the weaving of the storylines. We want to find out what happens just as much as you guys do [when we get scripts]."

While season two already aired across the pond in 2011, the cast now will hit the set in the coming month to begin work on season three. And Stevens insists he knows nothing. "I don't know anything at all about it because I haven't seen any scripts," he said. "I swear on several of my dearest friends' lives. We know that it is starting in 1921 and that is honestly all I have seen and I wish I could tell you cause I want to know myself.

"More good old drama," he continued when asked what he wants to see happen. "Compared to my first season, it's way more dramatic for him in the second series and that is just so much fun to get to play. And people seem to enjoy watching that. It's quite old-fashioned weekly installments. All of the cast are dying to know. We don't know."

"Downton Abbey" airs Sundays on PBS.

What do you think of season two of "Downton Abbey"? Leave your comments below!

Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1678135/downton-abbey-season-two-dan-stevens.jhtml

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